[I apologise for the poor quality of most of the pictures, many of which are from very poor quality newspaper pictures which have been reproduced digitally! If anyone has better photos of these or other Collegiate School alumni, I will gladly use them. J L]
An Early Alumnus

the items on the right suggest that the Gleaner may have got the wrong Inn - it seems he was called to the bar at the Middle not the Inner Temple
I have not been able to establish much about the career of J C Stines; I hope someone can help with
more information.
The Stines were an Ashkenazi Jewish family who are mentioned in Jamaican records as early as 1809. The Stines also appear in synagogue records as office holders. J C Stines' father, Joseph, was a prominent auctioneer. There are a few references to J C Stines as a lawyer in Jamaica, but references found on the Internet indicate that he left the island in 1876, and continued his career in the USA, possibly still practising as late as 1903.
The Law magazine and law review:
or, quarterly journal of jurisprudence, Volume 22
William S. Hein & Company
Butterworths, 1867
p 360
Michaelmas Term 1866
Middle Temple. - Jacob Cohen Stines, Esq.;
Men-at-the-bar: a biographical hand-list of the members of the various Inns of court:
including Her Majesty's judges, etc
Joseph Foster
Reeves and Turner, 1885 - 528 pages
Stines, Jacob Cohen, matric. London Univ. 1862, practices before the supreme court of Jamaica, a student of the Middle Temple 3 Nov., 1862, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1866 (eldest son of Joseph Cohen Stines, of Kingston, Jamaica, merchant); born Kingston, Jamaica
of the Collegiate School who went on to a career of usefulness and service to the people of Jamaica. 'He
began life as a schoolmaster in the school where he was as a pupil, a school that has turned out some of
Jamaica's greatest men, the Collegiate ot Kingston.' (Gleaner, March 13, 1917) [He] was made a deacon
in 1866 and a priest in 1867, and a Canon of the Cathedral in 1899. He ministered during his career at
Golden Grove, Annotto Bay, Brown's Town; Port Antonio, Harewood, and finally at St. Matthew's Allman
Town, Kingston, where he died on March 2nd. From 1905 he had been Organizing Secretary of the
Jamaica Missionary Society. (Who's Who in Jamaica, Obituaries for 1917)
Letters of administration were granted in the estate of the late Rev. Canon Harty deceased. The personalty
was sworn at £ 713. There was no realty. (Gleaner, April 14, 1917)

The Revd William Gillies writing of John Radcliffe
in 1895 in the Journal of the Instit

Braham Judah was born in Spanish
Town the son of George Fortunatus
Judah. He was educated at the Graded Middle Class school in Spanish Town and Kingston Collegiate School.
He was a Chartered Civil Engineer and became Kingston's City
He had three sons, Fr. Charles Judah, S.J., Fr. Sydney Judah S.J., and the Hon. Douglas Judah, Member of the Legislative Council.

Lewis Ashenheim (1873-1941)
Rudolph deCordova (1859-1939)

Daily Gleaner, July 14 1934
Hector Joseph (1871-1936), Jamaica's first Black barrister, attended the Collegiate School. He also attended York Castle and won the Jamaica Scholarship in 1891. He was a prominent barrister in Jamaica until the mid-1920s when he was appointed Attorney General of British Guiana.

Nicholas (1875-1934)
was a respected poet in the 1920s. He attended the
Collegiate School in the 1880s, where William Morrison encouraged his
writing; in 1890 Nicholas was editor of the school magazine.

Alfred deCordova Myers (1879-1949)
According to family records Vernon Henriques, and probably his brothers, attended the Collegiate, as did an older cousin Frederick Cohen Henriques in earlier years.

more 'Old Boys' of the Collegiate School -
- William Andrews was a prominent solicitor and public figure
- Member of the Legislative Council for St Catherine 1884-6; briefly Custos of St Catherine in 1880.
- George Courtenay Henderson was a well-known and much respected doctor.

- Graduated from Howard University in 1909

the last of
the Old Collegiate
'Old Boys'
Frank Emanuel Lyons (died April 6, 1968)

Daily Gleaner, April 8, 1968
A man of many parts, with immense nervous energy and a versatile, probing mind, Mr. [Frank] Lyons was one of the best known personalities in Kingston for nearly 60 years in business, sporting, fraternal and civic circles.
Hubert Osorio (died sometime after April 1867; can someone update this information?)
Daily Gleaner, June 21, 1940
'. . . a man for whom I had the greatest respect and love. He was a sturdy Scotchman who hailed from Banff and one of whose pupils I had the great honour of being in my early days. William Morrison, for such was his name, was a scholar and a poet . . .'
in letter from Hubert (Caesar) Osorio

Daily Gleaner, April 16, 1967
MR. HUBERT OSORIO, a friend of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hendriks of Hopefield Avenue, has been enjoying a holiday in Jamaica for several weeks. He leaves for his home in Panama at the end of this month.
Mr. Osorio was educated in Kingston at the Collegiate School and at Wolmers. He is one of the oldest members of the Kingston Cricket Club, and was present at the celebrations of the Club's centenary.
He comes to Jamaica on holiday almost every year; besides enjoying Kingston, he visits the Milk River Baths.
Alfred Horace D'Costa (died August 12, 1967)
Daily Gleaner, August 13, 1967

'In 1938, Sir Alfred D'Costa began having soil tests done with a goal of improving soil fertility on his farm in St. Ann Parish, Jamaica. Upon analysis, his soil proved to be highly aluminous, and by 1942 Jamaica's vast bauxite (aluminum ore) deposits were recognized'
