Pen, - now known as Winchester Park,
the site of the present St.
George's College.]

Cricket was an important part of school life at Collegiate.
It is of interest to note that it was in 1864 that overarm bowling became legal:
'Law 10 was rewritten to allow the bowler to bring his arm through at any height providing he kept it straight and did not throw the ball.'

the great Alfred Mynn of Kent, in the first half of the 19th century, of course bowled 'round arm'
As our champion lies a-sleeping underneath the Kentish grass,
Proudly, sadly will we name him - to forget him were a sin.
Lightly lie the turf upon thee, kind and manly Alfred Mynn!

>>> the founding of the Kingston Cricket Club in 1863 <<<
Some accounts of the early KCC suggest that it absorbed the Collegiate CC; certainly Collegiate Old Boys were involved with the KCC, but the Collegiate School definitely continued to field a cricket team against other schools and clubs.

Daily Gleaner, June 13, 1881

Daily Gleaner, September 18, 1899

Daily Gleaner, March 19, 1900

Daily Gleaner, May 28, 1900

Daily Gleaner, June 6, 1900
When the Collegiate School closed in 1902 on the death of William Morrison the story of the Collegiate Cricket Club came to an end.