after 1900                                                                                                                                      links

The  Kingston Collegiate School had only barely survived into the 20th century.
With the death of William Morrison early in 1902 the five-decades-old tradition
started by John Radcliffe in 1853  was at an end. Although a New Collegiate School
had a brief existence before the First World War, and other schools later used the
Collegiate name, it was the school linked to the names of Radcliffe and Morrison
which was remembered as 'The Collegiate School'.

Daily Gleaner, June 20 1902


After [an existence?] of half a century under different heads the Kingston Collegiate School closes finally today as the result of the death of the late Mr William Morrison, the principal. The history and value of this old educational institution is too well known throughout Jamaica to need comment from us, but we may join in the general sentiment of regret at the closing of a school which is the Alma Mater of so many of our leading citizens.
Miss Morrison who has had twelve years experience under her father intends opening on September 1st a preparatory school for boys and girls.

William Morrison, died March 9, 1902

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