'The "old Collegiate boys" have shown by their subsequent careers  in life, that the Collegiate did much for them. They are to be found now in many parts of the world, in all the professions, and engaged in all forms of business. If even those only that are still alive and in Jamaica could be got together, and were to stand up in presence of the largest assembly that could be convened in one building, "the old boys," would tell in an effective manner what one good school could do in thirty years to provide a country with men to do its hardest and most difficult work.'

Rev. William Gillies, Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, 1895

a list of alumni so far identified:

(more information is available by clicking on underlined names)


Andrews, Edward Jordon  (1849-1915)

Andrews, William jnr (1843-98) lawyer and politician

Aris, Frederick William (1881-1959) first malaria commissioner

Ashenheim, Lewis (1873-1941) lawyer

Ayton, Dr Albert Augustus (1878-1918) doctor, turfite

Bond, Frederick Pape (1877-19??) Deputy Auditor General

Brennan, Joseph Frederic (1857-1955) meteorologist; Superintendent of Public works

Cleary, John William (1860-1924) photographer

Dadd, Herbert East (1870-1957) organist, St George's Church from 1890

D'Costa, Alfred (1873-1967) father of the Jamaican bauxite industry

deCordova, E. O’Connor L. (1866-1936) solicitor, stock-broker, bridge expert

deCordova, Rudolph Ferdinand (1859-1939)

Delgado, Donat Alfred (18??-1967) Custos of Trelawny

DeSouza, Mortimer C (1865-1918) printer and businessman

Fletcher, Reginald Honan (1873-1967) Postmaster General

Gordon, Joseph Milward (1853-93) politician

Jackson, Philip C (1876-1961) Howard graduate, medical doctor

Jones, Albert Henry (1843-1924) Senior Magistrate Resident, Kingston

Joseph, Hector Archibald (1871-1936) barrister

Judah, Braham T (1871-1954) Kingston City Engineer

Kinkead, Edmund Clarke (1873-1928) medical doctor

Leake, St Leger Charles (1883-1976) worked at Lascelles Demercado 46 years

Lindo, Harold Vincent (1888-1966) farmer, industrialist, businessman

Lopez, Rudolph Ferdinand (1878-1953) optician, sportsman

Lopez, Edgar Stanley (1877-1939) commission agent

Macpherson, Ewan (1854-1915) staff editor, Catholic Encyclopaedia 1913

Martin, Alexander Cochrane Lowe (1864-1963) pen-keeper, horse-breeder

Melhado, Clifford (1880-1966) commission agent, philatilist

Myers, Alfred deCordova  (1879-1949) lawyer

Myers, Horace Victor (1876-1944) business man

Nicholas, Arthur Edward (1875-1934) poet

Reed, Edward Thom (1874-1968) rum expert

Rutty, Ronald Coy Swire (1883-1963) soldier, hotelier, turfite

Ryder, William Robert (1879-19??) dental surgeon

Samuel, Lionel Vincent Disraeli (1881-1964) solicitor, cricket enthusiast

Smith, Eyre Vincent (1882-1930) medical doctor

Soutar, Aubrey Oscar (1873-1949) Temple Hall tobacco industry

Spicer, Roland Murcott (1881-1955) Superintendent, Permanent Way Dept, JGR

Stines, Jacob Cohen (18??-19?? ) lawyer

Vendryes, Arthur Louis (18??-1901) lawyer, Resident Magistrate

Walcott, Richard Augustus (1859-1908) lawyer, Resident Magistrate
